Karen Comer, Director of Collaborative Research and Community Health Informatics, and Sharon Kandris, Polis Associate Director and Director of Community Informatics, presented at the April 28-30 Social Determinant of Health Data Workshop 2021: Charting a Path for Innovation and Impact in Indiana, hosted by Regenstrief Institute and Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (I-CTSI) Monon Collaborative.
“Socioeconomic factors such as education, employment, income, and community have been shown to impact 40% of an individual’s health. This is in heavy contrast to other factors including clinical care (20%), lifestyle factors (30%), and physical environment (10%), demonstrating the criticality of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). To this end, a collective group of community organizations, universities, non-profits, government, and philanthropies are working together to improve the healthcare of all Hoosiers. There are numerous Indiana-based initiatives and successes related to SDOH,” and several were highlighted during the event. The goal of the conversations and presentations was to deepen partnerships, increase coordination, and drive action around SDOH.
Karen presented on Day 1 with Umberto Tachinardi, Regenstrief’s Chief Information Officer, about “CoRDaCO+SAVI.” The Polis Center is collaborating with the Regenstrief Institute and IU University Information Technology Services (UITS) on development of a data platform, COVID-19 Research Data Commons (CoRDaCo+SAVI). The platform is intended to serve research related to the pandemic without violating HIPAA privacy regulations. The role of Polis is to tag synthesized CoRDaCo clinical data with ~20 custom SAVI variables for use by researchers and community partners. You may view the presentation at 1:38:05 of recording (this link starts her presentation https://youtu.be/BgfBzPFPP4M?t=5880).
Sharon participated in a panel discussion on Day 2 about meeting community data needs. (45:00 of that day’s recording at https://learning.regenstrief.org/lessons/sdoh2021-day2/) and provided an overview of The Polis Center (1:00:00 of recording, this link starts her presentation https://youtu.be/nY2tqyiPF-k?t=3603).