
The State of Georgia established a goal to develop in-state resources equipped with the tools and methodologies required to support ongoing natural hazard risk assessment requirements.


The Polis Center supported the State of Georgia through the delivery of on-site training, the creation of tool kits and workflows and the development of multiple natural hazard risk assessments.

Supporting Emergency Management through Education and Capacity Building

Over a period of five years Polis supported the state of Georgia by building in-state capacity for developing and maintaining multihazard mitigation plans. Partners included the Georgia Emergency Management Agency, Department of Community Affairs, Department of Natural Resources, the Georgia Regional Commissions and the University of Georgia.

Polis offered seven on-site field courses to develop a cadre of in-state experts trained to support the mitigation planning process.  These courses focused on GIS and modeling applications such as FEMA’s Hazus-MH loss estimation tool.  Polis also applied its expertise in data conversation by developing a suite of tools and workflows that created a building inventory by translating ten different property assessment database structures to a common format suitable for use in hazard risk modeling.

The existence of these data and tools have enabled Georgia to pursue additional research not previously possible. Polis also completed nearly two dozen county risk assessments.

To learn more, contact Kevin Mickey.