Polis received a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP) grant to provide support for FEMA Region 10 (includes Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington states). The project effort continues through September 30, 2024. Kevin Mickey is the Principle Investigator (PI) on the project which will be supported by one or more GIS analysts. Polis will update and teach multiple classroom and virtual courses on modeling and communicating risk associated with coastal and riverine floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes. We will also provide limited technical support, Association of State Floodplain Managers conference support, and facilitation of meetings of the Northwest Hazus Users Group (NW HUG) which are attended by stakeholders from federal, state, and local government, the private sector, and academia. The first meeting of the NW HUG is December 7 when a representative from FEMA will discuss recent and planned updates to Hazus and the National Risk Index.